From Drupal to WordPress

Thank you, Drupal.

While you are, in my opinions, a better designed and more proper CMS (Content Management System), taking care of you is perhaps taking a little bit too much time and effort for my ramblings. Moreover, since my favourite coat—box_cleanslate, doesn’t fit onto your latest body (D7), at last I decided to adopt WordPress instead.

I could have kept dating your last incarnation (D6) indefinitely, but sooner or later one will be forced to get with the times, as there will be no doctor to take care of you when you’re sick.

This blog entry and the discussion that follows sum up rather nicely the differences between you and WordPress, and the considerations one should take when deciding which to use.

By the way, to save the time and effort migrating the old content into the new system, I just used wget and turned the old domain into a static website.

2017-Apr-04: The old content is no longer hosted, though still available in the Wayback Machine.