Category: Hong Kong

  • Standing Together in Hope

    An event organized by the Hong Kong Refugee Ministry Group at the Church of Christ in China Wanchai Church in response to the 2021 World Refugee Day. 24 photos: Slideshow, Album

  • Peace with Thyself

    “Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” Have you ever been asked, “what is your biggest regret in life?”, or, “if you’re given a chance to make another choice in one thing in your life, what would it be?” Some would say that…

  • Ecumenical Unity Service

    The Ecumenical Unity Service of 2020 was held on Jan-21 in Kowloon Union Church. This year the theme was “They Showed Us Unusual Kindness” based on the story of St. Paul’s perilous sea journey as told in Acts 27-28. The materials were prepared by an ecumenical working group of churches in Malta and Gozo. 24…

  • Spring Dew, Icy Cool

    Never has there been a rope long enough to slow down the sun, Water flows, clouds pass, endless lamentations. When I try to buy the sea from the goddess, All that remains is a cup of spring dew cool as ice. – Li Shangyin, “Visiting the Mountain” 從來系日乏長繩,水去雲回恨不勝。 欲就麻姑買滄海,一杯春露冷如冰。 —李商隱《謁山》

  • Peace with Thy Neighbours

    In Luke chapter 10, the author tells the story of the Good Samaritan, in which a lawyer tried to test Jesus. First, he asked Him what should he do to inherit eternal life. Jesus’ answer, according to Luke, was “to love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and…

  • Expressions of Faith

    A Reflection on Israel/Palestine and Hong Kong Being a faithful witness to the Lord in our lives is an often discussed topic among the Christian faithful. Individual believers who follow the teachings of the Lord and glorifies Him through their daily deeds should be commended and encouraged indeed. At the same time, congregations, denominations and…

  • Mid-Autumn Festival

    A collection of clips filmed on the Mid-Autumn Festival in Hong Kong.

  • Ecumenical Unity Service

    Jointly organised by the Catholic Diocesan Ecumenical Commission and the Hong Kong Christian Council, the annual Ecumenical Unity Service was held at the Kowloon Union Church on Jan-18, marking the beginning of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. To celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, the liturgy was prepared by the churches in Germany,…

  • Hello, 2017

    A collection of clips filmed in Hong Kong around the end of 2016.