Category: Faith

  • Peace with the Creatures

    Two years ago, an animal rights society in Hong Kong was accused of putting down a lost cat erroneously. As a matter of fact, this organisation whose mission is “to promote kindness to animals”, is actually responsible for taking the lives of thousands of them every year. Ironic, isn’t it?

  • “Holy Land” in Twenty Eighteen

    7 years have passed since the photos in Holy Land were taken. Few positive changes can be found on the ground… if not the other way around. Indeed, 70 years have passed since one diaspora found their homeland and brought forth another. Since then, Peace has been a frequent traveller, alien to this place. Away…

  • Expressions of Faith

    A Reflection on Israel/Palestine and Hong Kong Being a faithful witness to the Lord in our lives is an often discussed topic among the Christian faithful. Individual believers who follow the teachings of the Lord and glorifies Him through their daily deeds should be commended and encouraged indeed. At the same time, congregations, denominations and…

  • Peace with the Earth

    When God commanded Adam and Eve to be fruitful in Genesis, the land was still virgin and undefiled. Adherents of the three major monotheistic faiths have since taken this commandment literally, populating the earth and multiplying descendants, as with other peoples on this blue planet.

  • Trent 1475

    Before the Holocaust there was the Merchant of Venice, before the Merchant of Venice there was the Spanish Inquisition, before the Spanish Inquisition there was the Simon of Trent, and before the Simon of Trent there was the Black Death, before the Black Death there were the Crusaders… The book Trent 1475 documents the proceedings…

  • The Passion of Jesus Through the Five Stages of Grief

    The Reflections of mine for this year are loosely based on the Passion of Jesus and the Kübler-Ross model, a.k.a. the five stages of grief. Thanks to the technician for accommodating my frequent errors, and again to Rev. Judy Chan for editing the scripts.

  • Ecumenical Unity Service

    Jointly organised by the Catholic Diocesan Ecumenical Commission and the Hong Kong Christian Council, the annual Ecumenical Unity Service was held at the Kowloon Union Church on Jan-18, marking the beginning of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. To celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, the liturgy was prepared by the churches in Germany,…

  • Reflections on Peace

    If things go as planned, my reflections on peace will be broadcast on RTHK 4 during 14~18-March, the second last week of Lent. Special thanks to Rev. Maggie Mathieson for the invitation, and to Rev. Judy Chan for editing the scripts. Adaptations: Peace with the Earth Peace with the Creatures Peace with Thy Neighbours Peace with…

  • Tao Fong Shan

    True to its roots as a place for inter-faith dialogue between Buddhists and Christians, Tao Fong Shan remains to be a quiet retreat among the busyness of Hong Kong, welcoming pilgrims of all faiths, to converse, to reflect, and to gain a deeper meaning of life. Founded by Norwegian missionary Karl Ludvig Reichelt in 1930, it is now…

  • The Story Behind “Holy Land”

    I will be holding 2 talks about the book Holy Land, published in 2012. As with publishing the book, this is something that I’d prefer never have to do. However, the recent carnage in Gaza has reminded me that there’s still much to do, if we are to find Peace in the land flowing with…