I will be holding 2 talks about the book Holy Land, published in 2012.
As with publishing the book, this is something that I’d prefer never have to do. However, the recent carnage in Gaza has reminded me that there’s still much to do, if we are to find Peace in the land flowing with milk and honey.
The 1st one will be held in HK Readers on 31-Aug (Sun) at 3pm.
The 2nd one will be held in ACO on 6-Sep (Sat), also at 3pm.
Both talks will share the same message and be conducted in Cantonese.
Special thanks to HK Readers and ACO for making available their venues, they’re also the first bookshops to carry the book. Thanks also to 1908 Bookstore and Kubrick for providing shelf space early in the book’s days.
The book is currently available through Red Publish and Google Play as well.
The proceeds of the book are to be donated to the peacemakers in Palestine/Israel after deducting the production cost. The first donation has been made to Moriel Rothman, who contributed the first writing in the book−Detangling the Holocaust from Israeli-Palestinian Politics−and is an avid activist for a just peace in Israel/Palestine.
I’m not sure if there will be a second donation because, frankly, the sales has been very so-so. On the other hand, as long as the book can help raise the awareness for the prospect of peace in that particular piece of land, however little, my heart shall suffice.

Update 2016-Oct-09: The book is now also available through iTunes.